More Options AvailableKOHLER Mariposa(R) 72" x 36" alcove bath with integral apron, integral flange and right-hand drain(19)$3,029And00 Cents / eachAdd To CartFree Delivery Not Sold in Stores Add To Cart Compare Mariposa(R) 72" x 36" alcove bath with integral apron, integral flange and right-hand drain
More Options AvailableKOHLER Mariposa(R) 72" x 36" alcove bath with integral apron, integral flange and right-hand drain(21)$3,302And33 Cents / eachAdd To CartFree Delivery Special Order at Add To Cart Compare Mariposa(R) 72" x 36" alcove bath with integral apron, integral flange and right-hand drain