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Easy DIY Faux Brick Wall

Easy DIY Faux Brick Wall

Getting the look of brick on your walls is easy with faux brick wallpaper. It looks just like real brick and is easy to paint and quick to install. We’ll show you how to get the job done with this easy tutorial, and remember, faux brick wallpaper is very forgiving, so this guide is perfect for even a total beginner.

Skill Level: Beginner
  1. Step 1 Make Sure your Panels are Straight

    Step 1 – Make Sure your Panels are Straight

    The first thing you’ll need to do is run a level line vertically to ensure your first panel is straight. Start on the second panel in and leave the panel right against the edge to do last. Walls are hardly ever square so this way you’re not depending on the wall to keep your wallpaper square. Make sure to leave a bit less than a full panel width for that last panel. You’ll be cutting excess away on that last one.

  2. Step 2 Measure and Cut the Brick Wallpaper

    Step 2 – Measure and Cut the Brick Wallpaper

    With someone helping you – ideally – have one person hold up the wallpaper to the ceiling and have the second cut the wallpaper with 6 inches of excess. This fake brick wallpaper is fabulous since it has such a relatively short run to pattern match. Many wallpapers have feet of waste due to pattern matching, but you won’t have that problem here.

  3. Step 3 Apply Wallpaper Paste

    Apply Wallpaper Paste

    Once it’s cut to length, lay your paper down on a flat surface and roll out glue on the back. Make sure you get all the way to the edges and don't leave any globs that will be tricky to smooth out.

  4. Step 4 Hang your Faux Brick Wallpaper

    Step 4 – Hang your Faux Brick Wallpaper

    Now it’s time to put it on the wall! Two people make this much easier to maneuver, so ask a friend or family member to help if you can. Avoid sticking the wallpaper to itself by having someone hold each end of the long strip as you line up the pattern and start smoothing it out. Start from the top, working your way down. The seams should sit tight up next to each other creating the pattern. You can gently push the wallpaper strip you’re adhering towards the installed strips to close the gap. Use a sponge to gently smooth down wrinkles. Step back often to reassess wrinkles and smooth the faux brick wallpaper out where needed.

  5. Step 5 Cut Off Excess Wallpaper

    Step 5 – Cut Off Excess Wallpaper
    Step 5 – Cut Off Excess Wallpaper

    Once you’ve smoothed out all the bubbles, take your vinyl smoother and smooth the wallpaper into the ceiling and floor corners. Use a utility knife to cut off the excess. You can even use vinyl smoother as a straight edge for your cuts.

  6. Step 6 Focus on the Details

    Step 6 – Focus on the Details

    Use the seam roller to smooth out all seams and press them together firmly to help make them disappear. You may find that the edges of your wallpaper don’t adhere all the way or that the glue cured quite quickly. You may need to re-apply some glue to the edges of the end you rolled first with a small craft paint brush. You’ll need to cut the wallpaper for the outside wall edges as well. Have a damp rag nearby and wipe down the wall adjacent to your wallpapered wall. This will remove any unwanted glue before it dries.

This article was published in partnership with Lemon Thistle.

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