Model # 2212M Store SKU # 1000700317
GUARDIAN - Beneficial Nematodes. Are Cranefly/Leatherjackets a problem? GUARDIAN is a Canadian Strain of beneficial Nematodes formulated to control Leatherjackets (Craneflies). The adults are slender, long legged flies that look like giant mosquitoes. They emerge in spring and autumn laying about 300 eggs. The leatherjacket larvae quickly become a serious problem for your grass and their roots. They develop a tough outer cuticle as they develop through their instars. For optimum control of this pest apply GUARDIAN nematodes in autumn while the leatherjacket grubs are still young and small and easier to control. A application can be done in the spring, it's just not as effective as in fall. AVAILABLE May thru early October. Best applied when adults are seen flying.
- Beneficial Nematodes control Leather Jackets also known as Crane Fly
- Our Canadian Nematodes are more tolerant of our Canadian cold
- By law friendly -100% safe for children, pets, birds, fish, plants, earthworms
- Hunts down and Kills GRUBS - Treatment area in fall of 98m² (1,054 ft²). Spring treatment 49m2 (528ft2)