Frost 714-C automatic liquid soap and sanitizer dispenser is practical, economical, and durable. This units hands-free operation makes it a practical solution for high traffic areas requiring hands-free use. Additionally, the 714-C can accommodate gel sanitizer or liquid alcohol solutions. Frosts 714-C dispenses soap automatically by placing your hands 1.2cm (0.79) to 12 cm (4.72) from the sensor. This product is also universal; meaning, the unit is non-proprietary and dispenses soap and sanitizer from standard commercial suppliers. This allows the end user to avoid getting locked into supply contracts and should save them money on their janitorial supplies. The bulk filled reservoir holds 500ml (16.9 fl oz.) of liquid soap. The soap pump has an estimated life of 100,000 cycles, and has an estimated battery life of 25,000 cycles or 1-year. The unit operates with alkaline batteries (1.5V), AA size, quantity of 4 (not included).
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