Model # 71850 Store SKU # 1001673879
Featuring new, revolutionary Target Control (TC) Level 1 Technology. The Zircon SuperScan M2 advanced stud finder is tuned to find clean, wood studs while filtering out metallic false positive objects, such as plumbing, conduit, straps, brackets, or ducts, hiding behind surfaces. The LoLevel and MetalliWarning Indicators alert to the presence of dangerous, deep, less dense false positives, and metal targets, reducing the chance of accidentally drilling into a piece of metal or plastic pipe. With the addition of Zircons proprietary DeepScan mode, users can increase scanning power when necessary, making for a more robust and multifunctional tool. The SuperScan M2 offers three distinct detection modes - TC, StudScan, and DeepScan. A 2-mode switch makes it easy to toggle between functions.
- Target Control (TC) Mode locates the center, edges, and direction of wood studs, and not metal, up to ¾ in. (19 mm) deep behind surfaces
- StudScan Mode locates center, edges, and direction of wood and metal studs up to ¾ in. (19 mm) deep
- DeepScan Mode doubles the scan depth of wood and metal studs up to 1½ in. (38 mm) deep
- WireWarning Detection alerts to live, unshielded AC wires up to 2 in. (50 mm) deep
- ColorTrip Display illuminates pale blue in TC mode, green in DeepScan mode, and red to alert the presence of live AC electricity
- Low Battery Indicator for optimum performance (9V battery required, not included)